Seven Ways To Manage Grief After the Loss of a Pet Pets can be our best friends. They are with us through many life moments, from the difficult to the joyous.…
Should I Have A Memorial Service For My Dog? Question: My best friend — a Terrier — has just died. I want to have a memorial service for my…
How to Know When It’s Time to Say Goodbye to Your Dog Arguably, no other decision you make about your dog will be as difficult as the one to euthanize, but in…
Can Adopting a Dog Help Me Deal With Grief? If you are experiencing grief — be it over the loss of a job, the death of a loved one,…
Meaningful Ways to Memorialize Your Dog It’s a sad fact that every dog you’ll ever own will likely cross the rainbow bridge during your lifetime. Losing…
Finding Support After the Loss of a Dog The loss of a dog, no matter the circumstances, is difficult. Just like grieving a human, grieving a pet will…
How to Cope With the Loss of a Dog During the Holiday Season The first holiday season after losing a loved one is markedly different, even if — or especially if — that…
Our First Big Loss: Helping Children Through The Grieving Process & Loss Of A Pet The death of a pet is the first loss that many of us can remember. As a parent, knowing the…
5 Ways To Make Your Dog’s Last Days Their Best Days You can make the rest of your pet's life as comfortable and wonderful as possible. Here's how to make your…
The Loss Of Your Dog: What To Expect When It Comes To Grief & Acceptance Our dogs have much shorter life spans than we do, so almost every dog lover has had to deal with…
Should Pet Parents Get Time Off To Grieve The Loss Of A Pet? It may be hard for those without pets to understand, but the death of a pet is a profound loss.…
5 Dogs Who Remained Loyal Even After Their Humans Passed Away One of the best qualities we all see in our dogs is their unwavering loyalty. But there are a few…