‘Is My Dog Too Skinny?’ How To Tell If Your Dog Is Underweight It can be difficult to tell if dogs are underweight. Some dog breeds naturally have more svelte builds, while other…
Can Dogs Cry? What Do Dogs’ Tears Mean? While we humans can cry for emotional reasons, dogs do not. So what does it mean when you see your…
The 9 Greatest Famous Dogs Of The ’90s Whether you're a '90s kid looking for a nostalgia kick or just a fan of the decade, these dogs will…
No, Not All Dogs Are Born Knowing How To Swim! A lot of people believe that all dogs are born with the ability to swim instinctively. It can be a…
5 Ways To Make Your Dog’s Last Days Their Best Days You can make the rest of your pet's life as comfortable and wonderful as possible. Here's how to make your…
13 Essential Items To Have In Your Dog’s First-Aid Kit April is National Pet First Aid Awareness Month, and it's a perfect time to go over exactly what you should…
5 Best Ways To Make It Up To A Pup Who’s Been Home Alone All Day If you're feeling guilty about leaving your dog home alone and want to make it up to your pup, here…
Dog Hoarding: When A Passion For Pups Becomes Dangerous Animal hoarding is not only dangerous to the animals in the hoarding situation, but also to the hoarder, themselves. Here…
5 Reasons Your Dog Smells Bad — And What You Can Do About It! Not all dog's stink; yet, somehow, your dog smells bad. Some dogs are just stinkier than others, right? Not necessarily.…
5 Ways Your Dog Can Help You Keep Your New Year’s Resolutions If you're guilty of making lofty resolutions and not sticking to them, maybe you should enlist a buddy, your dog,…
Top 15 New Year’s Resolutions For Dogs & Their Humans This Year [PICTURES] The New Year is upon us, and with a new year comes New Year's resolutions. I’ll bet your dog's resolutions…
9 Of The Best Durable Dog Toys That Last A Long Time Buying toys for your dog can burn a hole in your pocket if they love to chew. Here are a…