International Homeless Animals’ Day is on August 21st in 2021. The official slogan for the event is “Become part of the solution,” and there are plenty of ways to do so!
The International Society for Animal Rights (ISAR) established International Homeless Animals’ Day in 1992, and it falls on the third Saturday in August ever year. The event raises awareness about overpopulation of dogs and cats that contributes to these animals becoming homeless around the world.
ISAR’s goal is “keeping the issue of dog and cat overpopulation before the public until victory is achieved and humane societies can return to their purpose of preventing suffering instead of being exhausted by ceaseless killing.”
In other words, the plan is to make noise until the international community takes steps to end cat and dog overpopulation and homelessness. That’s what International Homeless Animals’ Day is all about!
Become Part Of The Solution: What Is The Solution?

There are many ways to combat cat and dog homelessness in the world. Encouraging spaying and neutering is job number one.
Job number two is helping find homes for animals who haven’t been adopted yet. And job number three is raising awareness about microchipping.
All of these efforts help control the pet population and keep companion animals in homes with loving families where they belong.
Animal homelessness happens everywhere. However, there are strong concentrations in poor communities worldwide.
Furthermore, in many parts of the world, animals that we think of as pets run wild in the streets and towns. In some of these places, it’s understandable because the people who live there can barely feed and care for themselves and their loved ones, let alone take in animals.
This is why the international community needs to take an interest in animal homelessness. We should help these communities and companion animals who cannot help themselves.
What Can We Do Right Now To Help?
ISAR suggests taking part in activities in your community, like “candlelight vigils, adopt-a-thons, spay/neuter clinics and microchip clinics.” In addition, they offer planning packets to help you along. They can also help you get the word out about your event to make it a success. Contact ISAR at to get started.
Small community events can be extremely impactful. The International Homeless Animal Day event in the video above happened in Switzerland. You can also find videos online of similar events happening around the world for International Homeless Animals’ Day.
So consider holding a small event in your community that raises awareness or money for the cause. It takes money to have spay and neuter clinics that handle overpopulation.
With the ongoing pandemic, you may want to take your event online instead of in person. Plenty of organizations hold online fundraisers with live streams and videos. Get creative!
ISAR is a time-tested, non-profit organization. They take donations to make an impact on communities who suffer from pet overpopulation all over the world. You can make a donation here.
Will you help get the word out about International Homeless Animals’ Day? Do you make an impact on companion animal homelessness in your community? Then let us know in the comments below!