Doggy Kisses: To Smooch, Or Not To Smooch Your Pooch Is it okay to give your dog kisses? It's really all about who your dog is, who you are, and…
National Craft Month: Try Making A DIY Dog Sweater [VIDEOS] March is National Craft Month -- a time to try your hand at making new things. Take a look at…
National Mutt Day: What’s In A Mutt? Pet expert Colleen Paige created National Mutt Day in an effort to encourage adoption of shelter dogs. It's celebrated on both December…
10 Reasons To Invite Dogs Over for Thanksgiving [VIDEO] Thanksgiving is right around the corner! Make sure you set your table, cook the turkey, and leave a dog-safe plate…
10 Things Every Dog Lover Can Be Thankful For On Thanksgiving Thanksgiving is a time to be thankful and show your gratitude for the many blessings in your life. If you're…
International Homeless Animals’ Day: Become Part Of The Solution The International Society for Animal Rights (ISAR) established International Homeless Animals Day in 1992, and it falls on the third Saturday…
National Check The Chip Day: Keep Your Pet’s Microchip Info Updated By making sure your pet's chip has the most current info, you'll give them a much better chance at getting…
Happy National Mutt Day: 5 Best Gifts For Your Favorite Mixed Breed Dog Lover Of course, we love our mutts all year long, but we'll take any opportunity to celebrate our mixed breed buddies.…
Fur Laughs: Pit Bull Waits Patiently In Line For An Ice Cream Cone [VIDEO] Watch this Pit Bull run out for an ice cream treat. She patiently takes her place in line and waits…
Puppies With The Spooky Halloween Spirit [VIDEO] Watch these adorable puppies enjoying changing of seasons and their favorite holiday--HALLOWEEN! Does your dog love Halloween as much as…
Pit Bulls Acting Cute [VIDEO] Here is a compilation of some funny and cute dog videos--Pit Bull edition! So watch how cute and cuddly Pit…
Domestic Violence Shelters Welcome Women, Children, And Pets Though more pet-friendly shelters emerge every year, many victims still feel forced to give their pets up to foster homes--or…