It is an irrefutable fact that puppies are adorable. Somehow, the tiny ones are even MORE adorable. This cute factor makes it easy to understand why anyone would be drawn to the idea of getting their very own teacup puppy. There is just something about holding a life in your hand. If you feel like your heart will explode if you don’t get a teacup puppy soon, take a deep breath and read what to expect. Teacup puppies may be tiny, but the responsibility of owning one is anything but. So, what’s the difference between teacup puppies vs. regular puppies?
1. Most breeders and national breed clubs don’t recognize “teacup” puppies

If you go to a Yorkshire Terrier breeder asking for a Teacup Yorkie, you will most likely be told to look elsewhere. As teacup puppies are not recognized by national breed clubs, there are no breeding regulations when it comes to teacup breeds. Sometimes, a teacup puppy will occur naturally in a regular litter as the runt. However, this is few and far in-between. In order for teacup puppy “breeders” to consistently produce popular, in-demand tiny puppies, they usually breed smaller runts with each other. Health consequences of overbreeding smaller dogs are not a concern for puppy mills or irresponsible breeders looking to make a quick buck. If you are considering bringing home a teacup puppy, be sure to scrupulously research who you are getting your puppy from.
2. They are fragile

Teacup puppies are tiny. This is fairly obvious, but let it sink in. You cannot simply let a teacup puppy wander around your house if you have young children running around or other larger pets. You cannot give a quick, hard tug on the leash of a teacup puppy if they are not behaving in a leash-appropriate way. While you should be gentle with regular puppies, you should definitely be extra careful with teacup puppies.
Teacup puppies also require vigilant attention, especially until they reach their adult size of four pounds. If you have children, talk seriously with them about how to handle the teacup puppy and set limits to how many people handle her during her first few months. During the first year of having a teacup puppy, it is particularly important to stay on top of vaccines. Tiny bodies have a more difficult time fighting infections that regular puppies can fend off easily. Teacup puppies are also prone to certain ailments throughout their lives due to their tiny size, such as respiratory and cardiac issues.
Their tummies are also fragile, in a way. Their stomachs are tiny (as the rest of their bodies would lead you to believe), so they cannot eat as much as a large dog. Teacup puppies require frequent, small feeding rounds to ensure they get the proper amount of nutrients without bloating or indigestion.
Again, vigilance is key in every aspect of your teacup puppy’s life to ensure that it leads the healthy, happy, and long life it deserves.
3. They are adorable, highly sociable, and long living dogs

While the warnings of health issues and frailty may have you rethinking this whole teacup puppy business, there are obvious perks to owning such an adorable, tiny dog. Since teacup puppies are so tiny, they get used to being handled by humans quickly and will instantly grow affectionate towards you. As they are puppies, they are just as energetic and curious as any other breed of puppy and will make you laugh entirely too much the first time they discover their own reflection in a mirror. Many popular teacup “breeds” are small companion dogs, so they carry on the sociable, outgoing, friendly, and fun personalities of their slightly larger counterparts.
If you do your research correctly to find your teacup puppy, you can find yourself with a companion for up to 15 years. Smaller dogs do tend to live longer than larger breeds, and if given the proper treatment, your teacup puppy can lead a long, fulfilling life as well.
Remember, you can find almost any dog – even tiny teacup dogs – at your local rescue or shelter. Look on Facebook for a Teacup Dog Rescue in your area.