I have two small dogs that, are like children and love treats and toys. I’m always looking for fun little games to play with them.
I got the Nina Ottosson Bone Tornado to try out and was struck by the colors. The beautiful blues brighten up any room. I put several treats in the bone tornado and set it on the floor. My 10 year old Shih Tzu was not able to make heads or tails of the game, but my young mix breed rescue dog Sara perked right up and instantly knew there are treats to be found. She can spin it easily with her nose and paws. I enjoyed watching her as she sniffed out every single treat. Very impressive!
I can’t say for sure if it had to do with the game, but the day I got it, she climbed into her bed and was asleep before I even got into my bed, which never happens. It seems to have provided some stimulation that that my dog clearly needed and craved. When it’s not in use I store it out of sight, so when she sees it, she gets super excited and knows what’s coming. I play it with her about once or twice a week along with other sensory games to keep her stimulated.
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