Service dog leads blind man outside a building.
(Photo Credit: fotografixx | Getty Images)

Blind Man & Service Dog Kicked out of Washington Restaurant

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A Seattle restaurant sparked outrage after asking a legally blind man and his service dog to leave. The man, known as Paul, shared his ordeal through a popular TikTok account named “MatthewandPaul,” which boasts over 2.1 million followers. The account documents the daily experiences of Paul and his partner, shedding light on the challenges faced by visually impaired individuals.

Blind man and his service dog kicked out of restaurant in Seattle

Upon entering the restaurant, a staff member confronted Paul, immediately informing him that pets could not enter, save for service dogs. Paul tried to clarify that Mr. Maple was indeed a service dog, specifically a guide dog for the blind. Despite Paul pointing out Mr. Maple’s harness — which clearly stated “Guide Dogs for the Blind” — and personally affirming his blindness, the staff member remained incredulous.

The employee questioned the legitimacy of Paul’s blindness simply because Paul didn’t look blind to him. Paul attempted to educate the staff member on his condition — Retinitis Pigmentosa — a degenerative eye disease that results in vision loss over time. Despite Paul’s explanation of his limited vision, which he described as a small tunnel surrounded by vibrant, popping colors, the employee dismissed his explanation.

Even after Paul humorously pointed out he couldn’t see if other dogs were present in the establishment due to his vision impairment, the conversation further deteriorated. The restaurant representative threatened to call the police if Paul attempted to re-enter with Mr. Maple — as reported by PEOPLE.

The viral TikTok video detailing this unfortunate event garnered over 5.1 million views. Many users expressed their willingness to support Paul and Mr. Maple and emphasized the necessity for proper accommodation of service animals in public spaces. According to the Washington State Human Rights Commission, “Service animals must be allowed into all areas of a place of public accommodation where the general public is allowed.”

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