close-up of dog receiving vaccine from veterinarian
(Photo Credit: Fly_dragonfly | Getty Images)

Free Dog Vaccine and Microchip Clinic Coming to Reading, Pennsylvania

Dog parents can get their pups up to date on vaccines – as well as microchip their pets – at no cost this weekend in Reading, Pennsylvania. The free dog vaccine and microchip clinic will be open to Berks County residents.

Free dog vaccine clinic returns to Reading

The Animal Rescue League of Berks County will host the free dog vaccine and microchip clinic on Saturday, Oct. 28. Dog parents can no-cost vaccines and microchips for their pups at 600 Penn Street, the site of the former Wells Fargo building, from 9 a.m. to noon.

Dogs who are at least 3 months old can receive rabies vaccines. Canines 6 months and older can also receive the DAPPv 5-in-1 vaccine, which protects pups from canine distemper virus, hepatitis, kennel cough, parainfluenza, and parvovirus.

Additionally, microchips and “swag” will be available. The clinic is also offering assistance in Spanish.

According to the Reading Eagle, the clinic was funded by a grant from the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA). The clinic is also made possible by Subaru Love Pets and Steve Moyer Subaru.

Dog parents do not need to register for the clinic. However, if you would like more information, contact

The importance of vaccinating and microchipping your pet

Vaccinating and microchipping your dog aare vital steps for your fur baby’s well-being and safety.

Vaccinations protect your dog from deadly diseases, such as rabies and distemper. These diseases can be costly to treat and, in some cases, fatal. Vaccinations also protect other dogs and people. Some canine diseases are zoonotic, meaning dogs can transmit them to humans. By vaccinating your pup, you contribute to public health.

Microchipping is an essential safety measure as it provides a permanent ID for your dog. If your fur baby gets lost or stolen, a microchip ensures a higher chance of a reunion with your pup. Collars and tags can fall off, but microchips are permanent.

Both vaccinations and microchipping are simple procedures that help your dog live a longer, healthier, safer life. Providing these services for free allows every dog parent to protect their pet and the public good.

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