A DUI suspect in Springfield, Colorado, tried to blame his dog for his alleged drunk driving, according to CBS News. After police pulled him over, the man traded places with his pup so it appeared his canine companion was the one driving dangerously.
On Saturday night around 11:30 p.m., a vehicle going 52 miles per hour in a 30-mile-per-hour zone near 7th and Main St. caught the attention of police. An officer from Springfield Police Department pulled the vehicle over. He saw the driver swap spots with his dog. When the officer approached the car, he found the pup in the driver’s seat and the man in the passenger seat. The man got out of the car, explaining that he had not been driving.
“The male party showed clear signs of intoxication,” the Springfield Police Department shared in a Facebook post about the ordeal.
The officer asked the man if he had been drinking. Then, the man took off on foot. He ran 20 yards before the officer caught him.
The man had quite the rap sheet to contend with. He had two active warrants from Pueblo. The man was arrested for those warrants and was also charged by SPD with DUI, driving while license under suspension, speeding 20-24 over the speed limit, and resisting arrest.
Dog rehomed
The police department provided the following update on the man’s canine partner in crime in the Facebook post: “The dog was given to an acquaintance of the driver to take care of while the party was in jail. The dog does not face any charges and was let go with just a warning.”
Though this story could have ended in a much more disastrous way, many Facebook users found it comical. They had a field day in the comments section.
“Thank God, the dog was sober,” one joked.
“Can you prove the dog wasn’t driving though?” someone asked.
“Y’all should release the body cam. I think this would be hilarious,” another person wrote.
We hope this poor pooch goes to a more responsible and loving owner!