6 Ways To Keep Your Dog Occupied While You’re At Work While we're at work, we usually leave our pups all alone at home waiting for us to return. But are…
Celeb Pets: 8 Celebrities Who Brought Their Dogs To Interviews [VIDEOS] It's always great to see celebrities hanging out with their pets, but it's very interesting when they bring their beloved…
8 Fun And Cheap Dates You Can Go On With Your Dog There are plenty of fun activities to do with your new human companion that your dog buddy can enjoy, too.…
7 Things You Shouldn’t Do At A Dog Park Whenever we think about taking our pooches to the dog park, we have to keep in mind it’s not just…
How Therapy Dogs Can Help With ADHD Symptoms Researchers explored the benefits of therapy dogs on children with ADHD. Specifically, they wanted to test the symptoms of ADHD…
Dog Walking Injuries Rise Among Seniors And Aging Adults Having a dog can be a great motivator to get up off the couch and go for a walk. But…
World’s Most Amazing Dog Competition: Share Your Dog For A Good Cause! The World's Most Amazing Dog competition is described as an "American Idol meets Westminster Dog Show" style contest. For every…
Mental Stimulation For Your Dog Providing enrichment — that is, mental stimulation — for your dog is just as important as physical fitness. Find out…
5 Mentally Stimulating Exercises For Your Dog At Meal Time A bored dog can become destructive or lethargic. Luckily, there are plenty of fun ways to keep your dog's brain…
6 Mentally Stimulating Games For Shy Dogs If you have a shy dog, these fun games will help challenge your pup and sometimes help him learn to…
Keep Your Dog Mentally And Physically Fit In order to be well-adjusted pets, dogs need both mental and physical stimulation on a daily basis. The desire to…
10 Things Your Dog Totally Deserves To Do August 10th is Spoil Your Dog Day! Make it a special day for your pup!