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Get Rid Of Skunk Smell?


Help, my dog’s been skunked! How do I get rid of the smell?


There are lots of special products on the market, but this simple home remedy, developed by chemists, should do the trick. It works by chemically neutralizing the compounds in skunk spray that smell so bad.

  • 1 quart of 3% hydrogen peroxide
  • 1/4 cup baking soda
  • 1 teaspoon liquid dish detergent

Combine all the ingredients in an open bowl or bucket and start rubbing the mixture into your dog’s fur immediately–the chemical reaction between the ingredients is what gets rid of the smell, and it doesn’t last long. Work it through your dog’s coat, making sure it gets all the way down to the skin. Avoid your dog’s eyes. Follow up with a thorough rinsing with lukewarm water, taking care not to get the solution in your dog’s eyes.

Don’t store the mixture or try preparing it in advance. It will explode if kept in a closed container, and only works when it’s freshly made.

Your dog may still have a slight odor; keep him off furniture and rugs for a few days until the smell is totally gone.

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