Product Review: Valentine Bling for your Pet

Pet Product Review –

You know what the very best part about giving bling for Valentine’s is? Well, it means you can tell your lovey they’re your sweatheart every day. Well, the makers of Little Gifts a leading manufacturer of pet products and giftware, have combined safety and style for dogs and cats. The new spectactular uses a stylish identification tag with its own unique serial number or pet “social security number” enabling the owners to create a secure, on-line profile containing current photos, videos, health records and evergency contact information for their dog or cat. So, if your precious one ever runs off, and god forbid goes missing, one call to the emergency support line or a click of the mouse and you set an instant lost pet alert. Alerts are then sent to all the shelters in your area, vets, and rescue groups within 50 miles of where the pet was last seen. It like an amber alert for your pet.

Here is Pali wearing her IDTAG:pali

The Subscrption plan for is free for the first year with a purchase of the IDTAG ($7,99). can be purchased at PetSmart, Meijer and at thaousand of independent pet stores. go to

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