Amount Of Shedding

furry jack russell shedding
(Photo credit: smrm1977 | Getty Images)

When considering adding a pup into your home, you may want to consider the amount of shedding your furry companion will experience. Regardless of the dog breed, you will want to be prepared for at least some amount of pet hair on your clothing and around your house. Of course, this amount can vary greatly as shedding tendencies differ significantly among breeds. Some dogs shed continuously, especially dog breeds with heavy double-coats or long fur. Others undergo seasonal “blowouts” and some hardly shed at all.

Having a set of grooming tools at your disposal is essential for tending to your dog’s coat. Deshedding tools are excellent for eliminating excess hair that can become trapped in your dog’s fur. There are also brushes designed to gently remove dead hair without causing discomfort to your dog’s skin. Grooming gloves and bathing brushes can aid in loosening dead hair during shampooing, making it easier to brush away. Clippers and a detangling spray effectively tackle matted fur. Additionally, home tools for managing pet hair on fabric and furniture can make a big difference. Pet tape rollers, fur brooms, and specialized vacuums can eliminate pet hair from carpet, clothing, and even furniture.

If you’re someone who values a spotless environment, you might want to opt for a low-shedding breed. Otherwise, equip yourself with the right tools to fight the fur. Concerns about shedding shouldn’t prevent you from relishing your time at home with your dog. Establishing a consistent grooming regimen can significantly minimize the presence of loose hair in your living space and on your clothing. For additional guidance on managing dog shedding, explore our recommendations for addressing excessive shedding and designing your home with your pet (and their shedding tendencies) in mind.


How to Effectively Deal with Dog Shedding

4 Best Dog Brushes

Dog Breeds That Shed A Lot


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