Gluten-detecting dogs? A woman with severe gluten intolerance finds a guardian angel in Willow, a German Shorthaired Pointer who alerts her human…
The great escape: Dog edition Video: The family dog hates being kept inside and wants to escape — the only thing keeping him is a…
Making our pets comfortable in their senior years With pet dogs and cats living longer lives, little things can make their lives easier — read what an animal…
Dog’s first snuggle with new owner Video: A Boston Terrier, who was saved from the horrendous conditions of a Virginia puppy mill, learns to trust her…
Give a dog a job and save a life The Canines with Careers program at Best Friends Animal Society teaches dog trainers and rescue groups how find appropriate rescue…
“Friends Are Waiting” Budweiser commercial Video: A commercial featuring a Labrador Retriever from Budweiser titled “Friends Are Waiting,” to promote Global Be(er) Responsible Day (don't…
How to find a pet-friendly rental property Moving is stressful enough, but finding a new rental space that takes pets can turn into a headache; here are…
Participate in a study to help your dog A study aims to reveal how a human’s personality and psychological behavior affects a dog, and how those traits can…
Basset Hound and toddler dance Video: Watch the adorable footage of a Basset Hound named Zoe dances with a toddler named Charlotte on the back…
Stars come out to help homeless pets Pet parents worldwide will light a candle on September 25 to bring attention to the dogs and cats who lost…
Doggie dream house The World’s Most Pet Friendly House breaks ground in Canada this November, and half of the sale proceeds will be…
Boston Terrier and guinea pig snuggle-fest Video: Probably the last word in cuteness, a tired Boston Terrier and a guinea pig snuggle and lick each other…