Study results: Adopt or purchase a pet? PetSmart Charities’ 2014 Shelter Pet survey reveals surprising results from the 3,000 pet dog and cat owners who participated —…
Surprise: Meet the new puppy Video: A little girl wanted a puppy since she was two years old; watch the priceless reaction when her father…
How to earn school credit and help animals Some kids can earn extra school credit and help shelter pets — here are seven possible ways that include improving…
Pets who do not share Video: Different pets living under the same roof usually get along, but this dog and cat duo apparently have some…
A mom’s brain on dogs A study conducted by Massachusetts General Hospital reveals that women react the same way to their children as they do…
Keeping you and your pets safe from domestic violence Domestic violence doesn’t just harm humans — family pets are also impacted; fortunately more abuse shelters for victims of this…
One way to clean the dog Video: Cleaning up after your pet can be a real drag, especially if he sheds a lot; one dog owner,…
High school student includes family pet in yearbook photo He thought they’d say no, but New York high school senior Draven Rodriguez was allowed to have a picture of…
Pug calls for “help” Video: A Pug makes a sound that very closely resembles the word “help” — does the squeaking-toy sound have anything…
Dog covered in tar makes amazing recovery Video: A dog fell into a pit of hot tar in Rajasthan, India. Unable to move, things seemed hopeless for…
New PTSD service and emotional support dog study underway A new study by the Department of veterans Affairs is underway to examine the potential benefits of emotional support or…
Great Idea: Dog Is A Moving Lost And Found Video: KLM makes a killer video about a Beagle named Sherlock who returns lost items to problem: He doesn’t…