Dog Rescued From Storm Drain After Hiding From Coyote After escaping from the mouth of a coyote, a dog named Sparky hid in a storm drain where he got…
Awesome Website Helps You Plan Pet-Friendly Trips And Vacations BringFido lets you explore pet-friendly travel options, hotels, and destinations so you can bring your dog with you on holiday!
Pups Play In Public Pools At Calgary’s Dog Day On Dog Day, dog owners are allowed to bring their pups for some fun in the sun before the pools…
9 Of The Most Helpful, Hardest Working Dogs In 2016 For Labor Day There are so many dogs that help us throughout the year, from service & comfort dogs to K9s and more.…
Happy Labor Day: 8 Dogs With The Most Unique Jobs Of 2016 You've probably heard of "working like a dog." These pups take their work seriously at some of the most fun,…
Blind Hero Dog Visits Schools To Teach Kids About Acceptance Noah, rescued from a backyard breeder, was born blind and disabled. But now he's spreading a message of acceptance to…
High School Students Build Free Houses For Pets And Feral Animals A high school teacher teaches his students the basics of construction by having them build pet houses, which are then…
Artist Paints Breed Portraits To Show How Purebred Standards Hurt Dogs Artist Levi Morris created portraits that show how breed standards are harmful to dogs. The requirements of purebreds often put…
Lost Survivor Dog Lives For Five Months In The Woods Not Far From Home A lost black Labrador Retriever spent five months living on her own in the woods near her home. She was…
Dog Missing For A Month Found Swimming In The Middle Of A Lake Moose, a yellow Lab, ran away from his pet sitter and was missing for four weeks. He was found by…
Dog Who Bit Child Will Go Live In Wolf Sanctuary Instead Of Being Euthanized A DNA test revealed that the dog was almost a pure wolf, which meant that she faced euthanasia. Instead, she…
Two Dogs Take Owner’s Parked Car For A Joyride And Crash Into Wal-Mart A woman left her car running to keep her dogs cool while she went shopping, but the pups managed to…