Cute Crossing Guard Pup Helps Keep Kids Safe The pooch does his job without expectations for treats or rewards, and he’s become somewhat of an unofficial town mascot.
This Puggle Loves Relaxing In The Hot Tub Cuzzie the Puggle can be seen in this viral video chilling in the hot tub, rubbing his back against the…
Beer For Dogs Raises Funds For Shelters Now your canine companion can join you for happy hour with a beer specially brewed for his doggy palate.
Jimmy Kimmel Finds Out If Dogs Obey Donald Trump In honor of National Dog Day, late night talk show host Jimmy Kimmel wanted to find the answer to an…
Random Dog Gifs Are The Best Thing On The Internet Today It’s National Dog Day, a day to celebrate all things canine and to treat our best friends extra special and…
Meet Grumpy Dog: The Grumpy Cat Of Dogs With just over 10K followers on Instagram, he's got a long way to go to catch up with his dour…