In about thirty minutes they located her little hiding place, which was nothing more than a small area of dry…
"He chewed up the noose. He never growls, but each time I tried to take it off him, he would…
They are trying to find out which of their neighbors did this to their beloved family pet. Sadly, odds are…
His owners try to take the box away so he can finally see, but he’s not having it. In fact,…
An abused pit bull starved to death in Cocoa, Florida and the person responsible, thirty nine year old owner, Joseph…
They are simply looking for people of all skill levels who want to share their talent for sewing, crocheting, knitting,…
The shocked and dehydrated dog was taken to a veterinary clinic, and received antibiotics and other treatments following her ordeal.…
Lilica had to find food to feed her young. There was nothing near the junkyard where she lives so she…
A rescue is working to reunite these wonderful dogs with the service men they worked with. You can help by…
A man in North Carolina claims to have filmed Sasquatch, and his little pooch, Zippy, scared the beast off. The…
It works a lot like the National Sex Offender Registry does and contains the names of all peoples convicted of…
Alicia Erdington was driving near West Memphis, Arkansas when she saw a man pedaling a bicycle, with a wagon full…