Chihuahua Puppy Thinks She’s A Baby Goat

A tiny eight week old Chihuahua on the Sunflower Farm in Cumberland Center, Maine is so captivated with the baby goats that she has even started acting them. She studies their movements then tries to copy them. There are other dogs on the farm. An English Mastiff and a Pug but they’ve shown no interest in Lola, which is fine with her, because she would way rather be with the two week old goats.

Here she is following Princess Leia and Lady Bug around. Princess Leia does not seem to know or care what Lola is. She loves to shower her with little kisses.

Little Lola even drinks goat’s milk on occasion.

Looks like this little Chihuahua has learned a very good life lesson. That friends can come in many shapes and sizes.

The Sunflower Farm even has a Facebook page now.

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