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National Mutt Day: What’s In A Mutt?

Pet expert Colleen Paige created National Mutt Day in an effort to encourage the adoption of shelter dogs. It’s celebrated on both December 2nd and July 31st.

The term “Mutt” isn’t used as often anymore, and if it sounds like an insult, that’s because it used to be one. Here’s the Dictionary.com definition of Mutt:

  • 1. a dog, especially a mongrel.
  • 2. a stupid or foolish person; simpleton.

Of course, today we’re more likely to call them “mixed breeds” because people have become more sensitive to the use of negative terms, but maybe Coleen’s agenda was a little more crafty than it seems.

Her use of the word “Mutt” pokes fun of that old fashioned characterization. It takes a moniker that has often been seen as an insult and spins it right around to the benefit of Mutts everywhere.

What’s A Mutt? Does It Matter?

So what about a Labradoodle or a Chiweenie? Are they Mutts? Hmm…

Mutts have mixes of purebred parents. However, a few mixed breeds are so popular that they’ve been bred only with dogs of the same mixed breed for generations.

Many people now call dogs like the Goldendoodle “purebreds” because of this. Backyard breeders sometimes take advantage of that fact to sell more dogs.

Some mixed breed dogs can cost as much as purebreds; although, you can still find just about any one of them in your local shelter. Any dog of any breed, mixed or not, can end up in a shelter or worse.

So it all begs the question, does it matter if a dog is purebred or mixed? It depends who you ask. For breeders and purists, it can matter a lot. For most of us dog lovers, we’re just happy to have our pups, no matter what’s in their DNA.

It isn’t a stretch to assume that animal advocates like Ms. Paige would be delighted if all dogs, mixed breed or purebred, were all adopted right this minute by responsible and committed dog lovers.

People Love Their Mutts No Matter What

(Picture Credit: Mike Linnane / 500px/Getty Images)

One dog rescuer had this to say on the subject of Mutts:

“Every Mutt I have ever owned was a source of fascination for my family. We would wonder and guess what breed or breeds could be sloshing around in that melting pot.”

Animal League of America, the world’s largest No Kill animal rescue and adoption organization, urges prospective dog parents, “Never purchase a puppy from a pet store, from the internet, or anywhere you see a sign that says Dogs for Sale — since the majority of these puppies come from inhumane puppy mills or irresponsible breeders.”

Breeders, whether they are responsible or not, rely on demand for purebred dogs to keep doing business. That means more dogs come into the world, and there are already too many dogs in shelters, especially Mutts.

That’s another good reason to visit your local shelter in your search for the perfect pet!

Education is the key, and that’s what National Mutt Day encourages — a discussion, possibly a debate, but mostly awareness. There are dogs in shelters across America, purebred or mixed, who would love to be loved by someone. Maybe someone like you!

Remember to celebrate National Mutt Day on December 2nd and July 31st and spread the word.

Are you celebrating National Mutt Day? Do you have a mixed breed dog at home? Then let us know in the comments below!

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