(Picture Credit: Jodie Mulkearns / Getty Images)

Rescue Dog Finds Forever Home at 22

old staffordshire bull terrier lying on grass outside forever home
(Picture Credit: Bigandt_Photography / Getty Images)

It might take some dogs longer than others to find their forever home, but there’s one out there for everyone.

Ty, a 22-year-old Staffordshire Bull TerrierDalmatian mix, had been on the lookout for a new home since August, when his previous family’s circumstances changed.

A Short Stay in a Shelter

Dogs Trust Bridgend had been looking after the elderly canine, who enjoys resting and listening to classical music. And when a local couple saw Ty’s profile on their website, they decided to give him the forever home he deserves.

Bruno de Brito and Lee Szopa, from nearby Penarth, saw the “terrific older gentleman” online. Just a few days later, they went to the shelter to discuss the possibility of adopting him. The couple had two other dogs already, Chihuahua mix Gizmo, 6, and Staffie Fizz, 15, who they adopted ten years ago.

“Lee has been concerned that Fizz is getting on in years and one day his mum sent us the information on Ty from Dogs Trust’s website to reassure him that Fizz could have many, many more years to enjoy life,” Bruno explained to The Mirror.

“That had unintended consequences! As soon as we read about Ty we knew we wanted to go and see him”.

Three’s Company in Forever Home

Ty met Gizmo and Fizz. As the three dogs all got on, both dog parents and Dogs Trust were happy for everything to proceed. “It was love at first sight, for all of us!” said Bruno. “Ty and Fizz are now inseparable, even sleeping by each other’s side.

“We all go out on walks together and Ty is like a puppy! We didn’t expect him to be as lively as he is, but he is full of life and it’s fantastic.

“He makes us laugh and we are so glad we could give him a home. He’s brilliant.”

“It is always fantastic when our dogs find their perfect family, but when it’s an older dog it’s very special,” said Melissa Cook, assistant manager at Dogs Trust Bridgend.

“Given Ty’s age, how we felt to see him head off with Bruno and Lee and his new doggie family is beyond words.”

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