A seemingly happy American Staffordshire, Terrier running in the yard , American Staffordshire Terriers have a calm temperament
(Photo Credit: Emre Ceylan | Getty Images)

American Staffordshire Terrier Temperament: Are the Dogs Calm?

The American Staffordshire Terrier, or “AmStaff” as they’re popularly known, is a majestic breed that continues to win the hearts of many American households. This muscular breed was originally bred for cruel blood sports such as dog fighting. When governments officially banned these sports, breeders shifted focus to breeding AmStaffs for companionship.

Unfortunately, the American Staffordshire Terrier’s unglamorous past has robbed them of a widespread positive reputation. To date, many still label the AmStaff as an inherently aggressive breed, even though this is purely a misconception.

Strong as they are, the AmStaff is a loving, soft-at-heart breed that has lots of love and affection to give. As any American Staffordshire Terrier owner will tell you, this breed’s unwavering loyalty and outgoing personality, among other endearing traits, make them worthwhile canine companions.

Are American Staffordshire Terriers calm?

Contrary to what many think, American Staffordshire Terriers possess a calm temperament. It’s easy for someone to assume otherwise because of the breed’s powerful appearance. However, the reality is that the AmStaff is a gentle giant who’s quite friendly with adults and children alike.

American Staffordshire Terriers are fun-loving, affectionate, and patient. They cherish their loved ones and are highly devoted to them. Often eager to please their owner, the AmStaff makes training a smooth process.

This breed is known for their remarkable tolerance and gentleness with kids. AmStaffs are always quick to take up the role of playmate and protector. While they are generally protective of their families, it’s not uncommon for an AmStaff to greet an unfamiliar face with a wagging tail.

However, AmStaffs require a lot of socialization to get used to being around other dogs and people outside the family unit. American Staffordshire Terriers rarely display aggressive tendencies, unless they are not properly trained or socialized.

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