Pug Puppies: Cute Pictures and Facts

Pictures of Pug Puppies may be cute, but it’s not all adorable frolicking when you’re a Pug puppy. He has a lot to learn. He’s a working dog, after all, but his job is one of those plush gigs that only a few lucky breeds have the skills for: professional lapdog!

Pugs are the kings of lapdogs

It’s a safe bet to call the Pug the king of the lapdogs, since he was bred to nuzzle the midriffs of royalty in ancient China (and then European nobility centuries later). With his black mask, bulging eyes, round body, curly tail — we can go on forever about how cute pug puppies are — he’s perfectly suited to the job of helping you sit on the couch for hours, sitting through yet another House Hunters International episode because you don’t want to disturb little Marshmallow and her precious snoring.

A Pug puppy snoring is so cute you’ll quit your job.

Pug puppies will be your little shadows

Tasked with the job of being your best friend, your Pug puppy will delight in following you around the house, sleeping in your bed, and generally making himself your sole reason for living, a tradeoff which you’ll happily embrace. Plus, they wheeze and snort. When you first hear that snorting, you’ll pull down your curtains and break all your lamps, because you can’t handle so much cuteness without destroying everything around you.

Pug puppies and Pug parents love to paw-ty

By month six, you’ll find you’ve replaced all your old friends with new friends who have Pugs. Don’t think so? Witness all the Pug meet-ups, Pug get-togethers, and Pug parades in the country. You don’t see that happening with Wheaten Terriers. People owned by Pugs stick together, and they put clothes on their dogs. One day they’ll have a political party.

Pug puppies and peepee mishaps

It’s too bad Pug puppies are a tad difficult to housetrain and are prone to gaining weight. Still, you’ll find a way to label pee stains cute. “Doesn’t this just look just like a Dali!” you’ll say with a straight face to visitors, pointing at a yellowish splotch on the entry rug. Everybody will excitedly agree, of course. They’ll all have Pugs, after all.

Remember, you can find just about any breed of dog you are looking for at a shelter or rescue. 


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