dogs irresponsible breeder
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31 Dogs Rescued From Irresponsible Breeder in British Columbia

Animal protection officers with the British Columbia Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (SPCA) seized 31 neglected dogs from an irresponsible breeder in Clearwater, B.C.

The owner surrendered all the animals to the B.C. SPCA following an animal cruelty investigation at the property. According to the society, the rescued dogs belong to different breeds and vary in age. Among the breeds seized include Miniature Schnauzers, Dachshunds, and Poodles.

SPCA rescues dogs from irresponsible breeder, recommends animal cruelty charges

On Feb. 15, B.C. SPCA officers conducted a search at the breeder’s property and found 31 dogs in filthy conditions.

B.C. SPCA Senior Protection Officer Eileen Drever told CBC News: “These dogs were living in a dark outbuilding with no adequate heating, and the odor of ammonia was quite strong.” Continuing, Drever stated: “They were psychologically in distress. They were so fearful, they were terrified of our animal protection officers that were going in there to help them.”

Unfortunately, one of the rescued dogs — a Dachshund — had a large abdominal mass that caused them immense suffering. The B.C. SPCA had no choice but to euthanize the poor canine.

Drever revealed the rescued dogs suffer from various physical and behavioral problems and thus require specialized treatment and significant rehabilitation. For this reason, the animals won’t be up for adoption until each fully recovers. The SPCA has forwarded a report of the large-scale rescue to the B.S. Prosecution Service and proposed that the irresponsible breeder face animal cruelty charges.

“It makes me really, really angry,” Drever told the news outlet. “The dogs were getting the basics of food and water, but not their other needs.”

In a statement, Drever advised aspiring dog owners to only get pets from reputable breeders. “Breeders should allow potential pet owners to see not just the puppies, but their entire family and the condition they are being kept in,” she stated.

Furthermore, Drever noted a responsible breeder “should also ask questions about the home the dogs will move into, show interest in their welfare, and not appear to be just ‘making a buck’.”

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