A Goldendoodle with his owner in the kitchen, similar to the Pennsylvania dog who ate $4,000 in cash that was kept on the kitchen counter.
(Photo Credit: Courtney Hale | Getty Images)

Dog Eats $4,000 in Cash, Owners Forced to ‘Launder’ Money


Many owners prefer expensive food for their dogs, in the hopes of providing their four-legged friends with the best nutrition possible. Accordingly, no owner would want their dog to eat thousands of dollars worth of cash. However, that’s exactly what a family dog in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania just wolfed down when he made a meal of $4,000 in cash, as The Guardian reports. 

The dog, Cecil, is a Goldendoodle. His owners, Clayton and Carrie Law, describe him as typically well-mannered. Carrie stated, “This dog, I swear to God, has never touched anything in his life.”

However, he did not behave well on one particular day in early Dec. 2023, when he ate plenty of $50 and $100 bills, according to CBS Pittsburgh

Owner left the cash on the kitchen counter

The couple had withdrawn the money from their joint savings account. After which, Clayton placed an envelope containing the substantial sum of cash on the kitchen counter. The couple was planning to use the money for a home improvement project.

Half an hour later, he shockingly discovered his beloved pet was enjoying the most expensive meal of his life. Additionally, the dog was leaving torn strips and bits of cash strewn all around. 

In his words, “I walked back into the room, and then all this cash was on the ground. He’s just like this, standing there, and I’m just like, oh my gosh, he ate some of this money and was in shock.”

His wife, Carrie, also recalled the horrifying sight, as per BBC. She said, “Suddenly Clayton yelled to me, ‘Cecil’s eating $4,000!’” She further added, “I thought, ‘I cannot be hearing that.’ I almost had a heart attack.”

Couple worked hard to get their money back

The couple immediately contacted the dog’s vet after encountering Cecil eating the bills. Fortunately, he only required home observation, thanks to the canine’s large size. 

After ensuring the Goldendoodle was okay, the Laws began the challenging task of retrieving their money. They had to assemble the torn cash remnants painstakingly as the dog regurgitated or naturally passed them. Then, the couple began taping the pieces together. 

As per Sky News, Carrie shared on Instagram how the couple managed to piece together most of the cash successfully. 

“There we are at the utility sink washing this s***** money, yelling ‘Yay! Yes! We got one!’ It smelled so bad,” Carrie explained. 

The bank assured them that as long as the serial numbers on the notes remained visible, the chewed money could be returned. 

As such, the couple had to wash the cash fragments three to four times before they could take the bills to the bank. At last, they gained back all of their money except $450. The bank also informed them that they come across many such incidents. 

Carrie jokingly said that she never imagined herself saying, “I’ve laundered money,” but now she has that experience as well. Accordingly, the incident now serves as a source of amusement for the couple.

“At one point, he was sitting on the couch, we were laughing, thinking there is potentially $2,000 inside of this dog,” Carrie exclaimed, as per CBS Pittsburgh.

After four weeks, the couple has happily reported Cecil is healthy and remains “a good boy.”

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