Things You Should Know About Dating A Dog Lover
They Are In Things For The Long Run
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Think about it. This person has already committed to caring for another living creature for the next ten to 15 years of their life.
They're not going to completely panic when you request a certain level of faithfulness. In fact, they probably expect the same devotion already!
They Know That Things Can Get Messy
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Anyone who has a dog has experienced knocked over trashcans, torn up shoes, and a myriad of other doggy-induced messes.
Dog parents know how to handle sticky situations -- literally! They just cleaned up a spilled container of peanut butter thanks to their adorable pup.
Luckily for you, this patience and ability to roll with the punches often translates into their relationship with you, as well.
They Expect You To Love Their Dog As Much As They Do
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When things start to get serious between you and this dog person, you can expect an exponential increase in texts, photos, and videos sent to you pertaining to their dog.
If things get to the "forever" stage, they may even refer to you as their pup's "mommy" or "daddy."
You are now a part of their pack, and they couldn't be happier to share their relationship with you.
Best. Snugglers. Ever.
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You know who your flame was cuddling before you entered the picture? Their dog.
Every dog parent does it. To a dog lover, it's perfectly acceptable to snuggle with both you and their dog when it comes to hanging out on the couch or going to bed.
Accept the snuggle love.
They Like To Go Exploring
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Most dog parents get tired of walking around the same block, so they find new and exciting places to exercise their pup.
Naturally, you'll go on these adventurous walks with them, during which they will take a photo of you and their pup and plaster it on every social media platform.
Embrace it.
They Can Pick Up On Subtleties
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Before they met you, your princess or prince charming was already caring for another living creature. They became attuned to what each little whimper, yelp, and body movement from their dog meant.
Don't be surprised when your puppy-loving significant other seems to instinctively know when you're upset, frustrated, or feeling romantic. They've been communicating with someone who doesn't talk.
Body language is kind of their thing.
There Will Be Times When Their Dog Comes First
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The times when their dog comes first are almost all of the time. This pup has been in their life long before you were.
Date nights may be cancelled because their pup is sick. They may ask you to stay at their house more often because that's where their dog is comfortable. This may be trying at points, and if you find yourself spiraling into a weird jealous rage, remember that this is a dog.
Even if your beau puts their pup first, you're still the top human in their life.
They Plan In Advance
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Dog parents plan in advance because they have to. Spur of the moment weekend trips or spontaneous sleepovers may be out of the question due to their pup.
This isn't a negative trait, though. Dog lovers know how to take responsibility, and this is something that will benefit your relationship, as well.
But They Still Know How To Have Fun
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Studies have shown that dog parents tend to be more social and outgoing than cat parents. Just because your main squeeze has a dog doesn't mean they're tethered to them 24/7.
They'll show you that they can be a party animal, too, with their outrageous dance moves and creative date nights.
They Love Unconditionally
(Picture Credit: Getty Images)
Dog parents love their slobbery, mess making, food snatching, yelping dogs more than anything else in the world. No matter what trouble their dog gets into, they still love them unconditionally.
In a not-so-strange coincidence, this ability to love unconditionally will make its way into your relationship, as well. There's nothing better in the world than being completely loved and accepted by someone.
Just ask your beau's dog.