pet psychic
Photo Credit: skynesher / Getty Images

Should I Take My Dog to a Pet Psychic?

dog psychic
Photo Credit: Spiderplay / Getty Images

Have you ever wondered, “What in the world is my dog thinking?” If so, you’re not alone. Most pet parents have. This is especially true if your pupper has been acting odd, fearful, anxious, or depressed lately. If you want to get insight into your canine’s psychology, there are professionals that can help. They’re called pet psychics, and they may be able to get at the root of your fur baby’s emotional or behavioral issues. Wondering if your fluffer is a good candidate for a pet psychic? We’re going to explore the reasons why they might be due for a session.

Can You Hear Me Now?

Pet psychics believe that animals are always communicating with us, even though they don’t use words. According to pet psychics, even though you don’t know it, your dog is communicating telepathically with you constantly. What does that mean? That Fido sends silent signals to you — and in turn, you to him — all the time. Because the average Joe can’t understand or interpret these messages, a pet psychic acts as an intermediary (hence, the term “medium”) between you and your dog.

Generally, you speak with the pet psychic and describe what’s going on with your four-legged friend, then the pet psychic relays the message to your pup. The wildest part? Your dog doesn’t even need to meet with the psychic to receive the messages! Photographs or even just conjuring the animal’s presence will suffice. As long as the pet psychic is able to connect energetically to your dog, communication should be successful.

When to Use a Pet Psychic

Dog parents use pet psychics for all sorts of reasons. Doing a “check in” on your pup’s well-being is a totally valid one. But pet psychics can also be helpful in other kinds of situations, such as:

  • A dog has behavioral issues
  • To diagnose an illness or injury (some pet psychics will do a body scan in this case)
  • A dog is sick to the point that euthanasia is being considered
  • A dog is lost
  • A dog has died and the parent wants to contact their spirit

But the sky is really the limit, and you can use a pet psychic to inquire about virtually anything. For example, one pet parent wanted to know if her dog missed his brother, from whom he had been separated at the time of adoption. “It’s seven years later and I wonder if he still misses his brother. Is he traumatized from their separation?” the concerned pet parent wrote on Chewy. Answer: Nope! The fluffer was actually very happy in his forever home.

Dog psychic Claudia Hehr told Modern Dog Magazine how she had a client ask if her dog wanted a companion. To her surprise, what the dog actually wanted was for his pet parent to work from home!

“My client’s response was that she didn’t know what to do, how to make money or even how to go about it,” Hehr recounted. “Her dog companion gave her a detailed description of what she should do and how to do it, step by step. My client was listening and taking in his advice. Now my client is working from home, has five full time employees, bought a little farm, and even adopted another dog companion for her dog to play with.”

In conclusion, contacting a pet psychic could be even more insightful than you bargained for! It certainly can’t hurt. If you’re curious about the inner workings of your pup’s mind and heart, give it a try. What you discover will likely benefit both you and your dog!

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