Cute old beagle dog wearing an elf hat in front of Santa
(Picture Credit: Sadeugra/Getty Images)

Elf Dogs: 30 Pups Dressed As Christmas Elves To Make Spirits Bright [PICTURES]

Holiday elves bring good cheer! Santa’s elves are very helpful and loyal, just like our dogs.

Hopefully you’ve got a “Santa’s Little Helper” at home to spread merriment and goodwill to all this season.

Here are some elf dogs who really seem to be getting into the Christmas spirit with the help of their humans. These guys are ready to rock your Christmas stockings and stuff them with treats!

1. No More Making Toys


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A post shared by Liz Schuette (@lizbogart76) on

2. Awaiting Santa’s Orders


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A post shared by Alex (@alexandra.jantzen) on

3. Grumpy Little Elf


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A post shared by Omalley (@omalleys_adventures) on

4. Is My Hat On Right?


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A post shared by Blaze (@_blaze_43) on

5. This Elf Needs A Snuggle


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A post shared by Watson & Finnegan (@wattyfoundfinn) on

6. Elves Off The Shelves


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A post shared by Mabel and Her Siblings (@mabel_doodleandsibs) on

7. Tiny, Tiny Elf


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A post shared by Odie & Sandy (@odieandsandy) on

8. I May Have Unwrapped Some Presents


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A post shared by Jackson (@yourdoodjackson) on

9. Cutest Little Helpers


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A post shared by @teddyandtito on

10. Ready For A Sleigh Ride


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A post shared by David Damian Figueroa (@daviddamianfig) on

11. Give The Elf A Treat!


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A post shared by Alicia Ink (@aliciaink) on

12. Ho Ho Who’s A Good Dog?


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A post shared by Spot and Friends (@life_of_spot) on

13. Can We Eat The Gifts?


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A post shared by Bri Stahlman Yzkanin (@gram8716) on

14. I Don’t Wanna Help Santa


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A post shared by Hector Harris (@hector_the_bulldog) on

15. Ready To Retrieve Christmas Presents

16. It’s Gonna Be A Cute Christmas


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A post shared by Shasta Sanctuary (@shastasanctuary) on

17. Let’s Retrieve Some Gifts!


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A post shared by The Closet by Florence & Frida (@florence_and_fridas_closet) on

18. Is Santa Here Yet?


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A post shared by Matilda Pynn (@matildapynn) on

19. Can We Play In The Snow?


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A post shared by Renley (@renley_the_vizsla) on

20. Where’s The Eggnog?


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A post shared by Rocky Savea (@rocky_savea) on

21. Sad That It’s Not Christmas Yet


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A post shared by @theadventuresofobi_ on

22. Did You Hear Something In The Chimney?


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A post shared by Emily Nott (@emmybear95) on

23. I’m The Best Present


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A post shared by Chipolata The Mini Dachshund (@chipthedappledachshund) on

24. Elves Just Keep Getting Cuter


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A post shared by Cupcake Kunze (@cupcakethefluffypom) on

25. Do You Like My Hat?


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A post shared by Lady Pirate, Mocha, Kai (@tre_pits) on

26. You Go Ahead, We’ll Guard The Sleigh


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A post shared by Mac Tux & Olivia (@the_3_little_bostons) on

27. Okay, I Won’t Pee On The Tree Anymore


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A post shared by Frank (@frank_the_boxer_pup) on

28. Special Delivery!


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A post shared by Linda Kush (@roxie_riley) on

29. Do You Like My Ears?

30. I Made All These Gifts For You!


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A post shared by Le petit Leo (@le_petitleo) on

Is it just me, or are Santa’s helpers looking extra adorable this year? Do you have an elf dog? We’d really like to see pictures in the comments below! Pretty please with ginger spice cookies on top!

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