Happy Labor Day: 8 Dogs With The Most Unique Jobs Of 2016

You’ve probably heard of “working like a dog.” It means you’re putting in your all until you’re exhausted and ready for a dog nap. Well the dogs on this list take their jobs just as seriously. For Labor Day, let’s honor some of the pups with the most unique, fun jobs of 2016 and celebrate all of their hard work. 

1. Concierge Dog

Parker lies on a Park Hyatt bed
(Picture Credit: Instagram – parkhyatt)

The Park Hyatt Hotel in Chicago is very luxurious, but it got people in the Windy City talking when the hotel hired a one-eyed Pug as its newest concierge. Parker the Pug was adopted from PAWS Chicago animal shelter, and now she attends staff meetings, helps guests to their rooms, and takes naps in the rooftop garden. Read the full story here!

2. “Dog-Vinci” Painter

Dagger holds a paint brush
(Picture Credit: InsideEdition.com)

Dagger II, a black Labrador Retriever, may have dropped out of service dog school, but he had other dreams. He wanted to paint. He would sit and watch his owner painting, and one day she asked if he’d like to join. Now the pup uses a special brush holder and creates his own works of art! Read the full story here!

3. The Furriest Lowes Employee

Blue has an employee vest
(Picture Credit: Facebook – Mark Jaycock)

A man was having trouble finding a job because he needed his service dog, Blue, with him at all times. But a Lowes store decided to hire them both, and even went so far as to make a Lowes doggy employee vest, complete with name tag, for Blue. He’s happy to greet customers and help them shop! Read the full story here!

4. Poop-Sniffing Science Dog

Tucker sniffs out whale droppings from the boat
(Picture Credit: Jeanne Hyde via Facebook – Conservation Canines)

Some jobs really stink. The University of Washington Center for Conservation Biology created the Conservation Canine program to use dogs’ super sniffers to track the droppings of endangered animals so they could better study those species. Tucker is one of those dogs, and he’s trained to ride on a boat and sniff out whale poop, which he can smell from a mile away, allowing researchers to track and collect samples. Read the full story here!

5. Epic Airport Runway Bird Chaser

Piper stands on a snowy runway in front of a helicopter
(Picture Credit: Facebook – Cherry Capital Airport K-9 Team)

You’ve probably seen the epic video of this dog standing on a snowy runway as a helicopter takes off behind him. That’s Piper and his job is more than looking like a hero in an action movie. He is trained to chase birds off the runway that interfere with flight landings and takeoffs. Read the full story here!

6. The Tennis Ball Boy Dogs

A dog carries a tennis ball
(Picture Credit: YouTube – CNN)

The Brazil Open for tennis had some special guest ball boys this year, though they were all actually girl dogs. The shelter pups were brought on to do what they do best–chase down tennis balls. The goal was to raise awareness for shelter dogs in Brazil, and the girls did a great job, even if they didn’t bring the ball back right away every time. Read the full story here!

7. Doggy Dental Assistant

Jo Jo lies with a patient
(Picture Credit: Facebook – Pediatric Dentistry of Northbrook)

Kids can be fussy patients when they go to the dentist, but one dental assistant this year had excellent bedside–or chair-side–manner. Jo Jo the Golden Retriever is a comfort dog who sits with children who have a hard time staying calm at the dentist, and the kids just love her. Read the full story here!

8. The Anti-Bullying Teacher Dog

Noah is pet by students
(Picture Credit: Facebook – Noah’s Legacy: I’m a blind rockstar, this is how I roll)

Noah may be blind and need special wheels to get around, but that doesn’t stop him from being an amazing teacher. This pup makes school visits to teach kids to accept those who are different and stop bullying. This sweet pup also visits seniors and nursing homes to help bring comfort. He’s a hardworking pup trying to make a difference! Read the full story here!

What other unique jobs have you seen dogs doing in 2016? Which is your favorite? Let us know in the comments below!



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