The family dog checks out the holiday bird, hoping for some turkey and stuffing.
(Picture Credit: Patricia Marroquin/Getty Images)

Trainer & Vet Give Thanksgiving Safety Tips For Dog Lovers [VIDEOS]

The family feast on Thanksgiving can be a lot of fun for everyone, but it can also be dangerous for our dogs. That’s why it’s so important to remind ourselves of some basic safety tips to protect our furry family members.

We go through these safety tips each year, but we should refresh our memories every time the Thanksgiving holiday rolls around.

Here are a few helpful bits of advice for keeping dogs safe on Thanksgiving.

Tips From A Dog Trainer

The video above has a lot of great tips for dog lovers over the Thanksgiving holiday. Give it a watch!

Here are some of the basics the video covers:

  • Onions and garlic can be very toxic to your dog — even when cooked.
  • When you’re cooking, keep your dog out of the kitchen so they don’t accidentally eat something they shouldn’t.
  • No booze for your pooch! Leaving a glass of wine or mug of beer unattended while you’re watching football or waiting for dinner can lead to big trouble.
  • Don’t give your dog cooked bones. Bird bones, when cooked, can splinter and choke a dog.
  • Put your dog in another room while everyone is eating. You know your dog best, but if your dog gets excited around meals, it’s best to let them rest in another room while everyone eats.

Tips From A Vet

Here’s another video with some great advice from a veterinarian. Watch it and make sure you follow the vet’s recommendations.

Here are a few of the main points:

  • Table scraps are usually not a good idea.
  • Take food trash outside to the trashcan, and make sure it’s secured so your dog can’t into it.
  • No bones!
  • Make sure that all trash is properly disposed of.
  • Watch out for that dessert table — chocolate is toxic to pets, and so is xylitol, an artificial sweetener.
  • Keep some dog-friendly treats around so your pup can have a treat with the rest of you.
  • Know the symptoms of poisoning so you know when your dog has eaten something toxic, and watch for those behaviors and symptoms. Knowing the signs that your dog has been poisoned and getting early treatment could save your dog’s life.

Is your dog going to attend your Thanksgiving feast? Do you have any other dog safety tips for the holidays? Let us know in the comments below!

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