Saint Patrick’s Day is a time for being with your pals and laughing over a few pints of green beer. So if you’re going to spend time with friends, why not spend it with humans’ best friends — dogs?
Of course, they won’t be able to join in the drinking, but that means more beer for you!
Here are a few dog breeds that would make excellent companions for Saint Paddy’s Day!
Who will you be celebrating Saint Patrick’s Day with? Are any special dogs joining your festivities? Let us know in the comments below!
Dog Breeds To Celebrate With On Saint Patrick's Day
Irish Setter
(Picture Credit: YOSHIKAZU TSUNO/AFP/Getty Images)
You'll want to have someone who is at least of actual Irish descent in your Saint Patrick's Day party group to maintain your street cred.
The Irish Setter with their long, flowing, gingery locks of hair are about as Irish as you can get. The bonus is that they're incredibly friendly and sweet, so they're bound to get along with all of your drinking buddies.
Maybe they'll even bark along with one of your drinking songs.
Border Collie
(Picture Credit: Education Images/UIG via Getty Images)
You and your friends are probably going to get a little tipsy, so it's practically inevitable that someone is going to wander off and lose the group. Not with a Border Collie on patrol, though.
These dogs were made for herding, and that's just what they'll do.
Your buddy was looking at a text and got separated from the group? Not on this pup’s watch. Your other friend tried to find a bathroom and is aimlessly staggering off in the distance? Border Collie to the rescue.
Like a herd of sheep, no one gets left behind when your designated driver is a Border Collie.
Yorkshire Terrier
(Picture Credit: Getty Images)
Yorkies can fit in a backpack and are happy to travel, which is great if you're going to be in crowded places like parades and bars.
Since you'll be out and about while drinking, all manner of thieves and pickpockets might be on the lookout for you. Put all your wallets, phones, and valuables in your bag with your pup, and your Yorkie buddy will guard your belongings like a tiny leprechaun guarding a pot of gold.
They bark at any sign of danger, keeping your stuff safe while you pay tribute to Saint Patrick.
Scottish Terrier
(Picture Credit: Getty Images)
Let's be honest -- having one-sixteenth Irish blood on your mom's side does not make you an Irishman. Why deny it?
Embrace the fact that you don't know nearly as much as you should about Irish culture by hanging out with a Scottish dog instead. This will really drive home the fact that you’re not even trying.
And this stubborn dog breed won't have any of your nonsense. The Scottish Terrier's judgmental glances will ensure that you don't go overboard on this holiday that they have nothing to do with.
Labrador Retriever
(Picture Credit: Getty Images)
You're probably going to need help walking home at the end of a long Saint Patrick's Day adventure.
Labs are used to being guide dogs, so if they can lead the visually impaired, they can probably take care of you when your vision starts to get a little wonky and gravity stops working properly.
They have lots of energy, so they'll be able to keep up with you until the wee hours of the morning.
Irish Wolf Hound
(Picture Credit: Getty Images)
The Irish Wolf Hound is big enough to knock you off your high horse and drag you home after a long night.
They are perfect for large game hunting or just a perfect buddy to watch over you while you drink.
Plus, their Irish roots will make them very popular on Saint Paddy's Day.
(Picture Credit: Jahi Chikwendiu/The Washington Post via Getty Images)
At the end of the day, when your brain is fried from all the partying, you're going to need a soft place to put your head.
Samoyeds are like big, smiling, living plush pillows. With their puffy fur coats and peaceful demeanor, they're happy to tolerate your shenanigans and let you pass out with a face full of fluff.
And when you wake up, the hangover will be slightly less painful, maybe.