Coccidia in dogs is a gastrointestinal condition that refers to a particularly foul smelling sort of diarrhea, often described as…
You can tell when your own best friend is showing signs of a deeper emotional problem. Here's what you should…
Each year there are thousands of pet poisoning cases in the US. Here are ten of the most common ways dogs…
Dog aggression toward other dogs is a very serious matter, not to mention stressful, and attempting to defuse an attack in progress…
Thrombocytopathies in dogs are medical conditions that affect the normal function of a dog's blood platelets. They can cause excessive…
March is National Poison Prevention Awareness month. Many things in our homes are toxic to dogs. Here are tips from…
Clotting deficiency in dogs is a medical situation that comes about when a dog's blood is unable to clot effectively.…
Not all dog's stink; yet, somehow, your dog smells bad. Some dogs are just stinkier than others, right? Not necessarily.…
Cleft palate in dogs is a medical condition where an opening appears along a dog's palate, which is the roof…
According to a new study, dogs recognize you by voice. Furthermore, dogs don't even need a combination of their other…
Three individuals contracted salmonella from Dog Gone Dog Treats. Massachusetts Department of Public Health has issued a public recall.
Nail disorders in dogs, sometimes called dystrophy, can refer to a number of medical issues that affect a dog's claws and…