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Dog Health (Page 231)
Over the weekend, I came across this article by Eric Loomis, who is trying to make sense of his complicated…
Stayson Isobe chose the wrong day to talk about second chances for Michael Vick. I had just finished reading about…
Dear Mr. Igwe, I respect your decision to ask Michael Vick to speak to your group of young people. I…
Editor’s note: Many Dogtime readers have written to share their concern, and utter disbelief, over Jay Leno and Chris Rock’s…
Master trainer Ian Dunbar on teaching your dog obedience commands
How many times a day should I give my dog a bathroom break?
A study out of the University of Texas confirms what many of us in the animal world have long observed:…
The International Fund for Animal Welfare (IFAW) is heading up the effort to reach Haiti’s truly voiceless victims. Together with…
Courtesy of Dog food recipe ingredients: 3/4 cup hot water 1/2 cup margarine 1/2 cup powdered milk 1 tsp.…
U.S. Olympic figure skater Johnny Weir sure has it rough. Because Weir regularly chooses to wear real fur as part…
When it was announced last month that Michael Vick was to be awarded the Ed Block Award for courage, I…
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