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Dog Health (Page 227)
The Swiffer Wet should be marketed as eco/dog/pet/child safe.
My favorite is the regular Swiffer Sweeper because it's so easy to use and picks up the most dirt.
Temple Grandin is a best-selling author and a professor at Colorado State University. Self described as a highly-functioning autistic with…
Help shelter dogs and puppies through Save a Dog on Facebook. To add one of the buttons below, just copy…
Vertical Media Community Expands to 250 Pet Enthusiast Sites and 240 Pet Bloggers; Seeing High Traffic Growth in Women 25-54
DogTime Media largest pet entity according to comScore
Question: We just moved, with our Golden Retriever, to a house that doesn’t have a fence. Would you recommend an…
healthy dog food recipe
My rescue pup is extremely shy — can Reiki help?
Question: What is cryptorchidism and how is it treated? Answer: A cryptorchid has one or both testicles inside the belly…
Question: Every once in a while on a walk, my dog gets spooked by someone and barks like crazy. There…
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