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Dog Health (Page 220)
First aid and prevention of poisoning
The sentencing of former Atlanta Falcon star Michael Vick to 23 months in prison for his role in a dog…
The case for buying your dog insurance
Question: How much of a dog’s behavior can be changed by training? Answer: That depends on the dog, the breed…
Question: My dog seems to enjoy having "tasks" to complete — is there a way to keep smart dogs entertained?…
In the US, over 44% of dogs and 57% of cats are now estimated to be overweight or obese according…
Dog rescue and animal rescue stories
Master trainer Ian Dunbar on how to handle a housetraining problem
Master trainer Ian Dunbar on training your dog not to jump on people
Master trainer Ian Dunbar on dealing with dogs who don't come
Master trainer Ian Dunbar answers common housetraining questions
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