Diabetic ketoacidosis in dogs, sometimes shortened to DKA, is a deadly medical emergency that happens when there's not enough insulin…
Some pet parents are more attentive. Meanwhile, others sit in the shade, talking on the phone or reading a book,…
The short answer is yes, dogs can eat goji berries. There are a host of vitamin and antioxidant benefits that…
E. coli is a bacteria found in the lower intestines of dogs and other mammals. Usually it's benign, but symptoms can…
Did you know that June 3rd is Insect Repellent Awareness Day? Me neither! But it's always a good time to…
The short answer is yes, dogs can eat yogurt. Beyond the benefits of containing probiotics, protein and calcium, yogurt can…
Can dogs eat onions? The short answer is no, dogs cannot safely eat onions. In fact, onions are one of…
Dilated cardiomyopathy in dogs happens when the heart can't properly contract, which leads to blood backing up in the heart…
Can dogs eat blueberries? The short answer is yes. Blueberries are full of vitamins and nutrients that can give dogs…
Von Willebrand disease in dogs is a hereditary bleeding disorder. If left untreated, the disease can lead to excessive bleeding and…
Can dogs eat marshmallows? The short answer is no, dogs cannot eat marshmallows. If your dog eats one regular sugar…
Can dogs eat pickles? The short answer is it depends, but you should err on the side of caution and…