Ruff Wear Highlands Dog Bed from Backcountry K-9


Backcountry K-9

Ruff Wear Highlands Dog BedAll you backpackers out there know the importance of an ounce and how crucial it is to have light gear that will fit in a small space. Even for your pup!Having the wrong gear can make your backpacking experience a miserable one.

At 14 ounces, the Ruff Wear Highlands Bed from Backcountry K-9 is one of the lightest of its kind. Coming with its own stuff sack, its compressible, durable, water resistant and rolls up to be roughly the size of a Nalgene water bottle. Perfect for your dog to carry in his own pack! The bed also has stake-out loops so you can secure it to the ground to prevent it from shifting during the night.

This bed is great for not only backpacking and camping, but any time you are travelling and space is tight. There will never be another excuse for not bringing a bed for your dog!

Ruff Wear Highlands Bed

The Ruff Wear Highlands Bed can be purchased off the Backcountry K-9 website for about $75 with free shipping and handling.

Want to get a head start on some holiday shopping?OR simply purchase this bed for your dog’s camping experiences? Backcountry K-9 is offering our readers a 15% discount on any one full priced item. Enter the coupon code 7553RFWA at check out. This excludes sale priced items, open box items, and Granite Gear products. This offerexpires on December 31, 2011.

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