Marley and Me | The Puppy Years

Marley and Me The Puppy Years Who didn’t love the Marley & Me movie that came out in 2008? I loved the book andthe movie sowas eager to review the new Marley & Me: The Puppy Yearsflick that will be released on DVD,August 16th.

In this story, Marley’s owners are out of town (thus the absence of Jennifer Aniston and Owen Wilson) and their nephew Bodi(Travis Turner), is charged with the task of Marley’s care under the watchful eye of his ex-marine, grandfather (veteran actor, Donnelly Rhodes).

After learning of a local puppy agilitycontest, Bodi decides that teaching Marley puppy agility (along witha couple of neighborhood pups),will prove to his mother that he’s ready tocare fora dog of his own.

Of course, with a puppy like Marley, plenty of mischiefand mayhemensue. And then there’s Hans, the evil German Pinscherteam owner whom Bodi and the pups mustcontend with. As the movie progresses, we see the bond deepenbetween Bodiand his grandfatheras well asBodi’s connection withMarley and the rest ofthe puppies.

In this sequel, all the animalscan speakso we don’t have to guess as towhat’sgoing on inside their furry little heads.Marley’svoice is adorable and reminds me of theone used for the K9 Advantix commercials (“There ain’t no bugs on me…”).

I found the movie to becharming and, judging from my granddaughter’s reaction,most definitelyakid-pleaser. Not quite up to the adult appeal of the first movie but somethingchildren will understand and love watching. Lessons taught in Marley and Me: The Puppy Years –1. Always try your best and2. Finish what you start 3. True friends are good for more than just sharing kibble.

Marley & Me ThePuppy Years can be pre-ordered at for $13.

If you live in the L.A. area, there’s a free screening of the movie at The Grove on Saturday, August 13th.”There will be dogs available for adoption, contests, giveaways, treats and booths from a wide variety of vendors of dog services and products. Also in attendance will be Marley, the ‘world’s worst dog,’ and director Michael Damian.”

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