Amazing animal gifts and collectibles by Blue Witch Ceramics

Blue Witch Ceramics

I’m always searching for gifts for pet loversthat are not only unique but also well made with plenty of attention to detail,so when I stumbled upon the Blue Witch Ceramics website,my mousedarn near skipped-a-click!

Blue Witch Ceramics Dane mug

TheBlueWitchwebsite isa virtual goldmine of collectibles featuring the most adorable dogs, cats and wild animalslovinglycrafted intosalt and pepper shakers, coin banks, key chains,mugsand more. But are theircreations really as good as they look in cyberspace?

I opened the box from Blue Witch with great anticipationwhile also steeling myselffor the possibility that I might find just another run-of-the-mill, nothing to write home about, kind-of-a-mug.I was as happy as a pup with two tails when I pulled out the most beautiful, hand painted, 3Ddog mug I’ve ever held in my hands.

Blue Witch Giraffe salt & pepper shakers The Dane on the mugnot only looks exactly like our own gentle giant, the little guy has so much personality I wouldn’t beat all surprised if one day he simply walks off of the cup in hiseagerness to play fetchand run with the big dogs!

Thischarmingwork of artwascrafted with painstaking attention to detail by the artist who hand painted him.Such a happy little face to greet me with my morning coffee andinspire meas I compose myposts;or perhaps I’llentrusthim with the very important duty of holding and guarding my treasured art brushes.

Blue Witch Ceramics surpassed my expectations and passed mytest with flying colors! I encourageeveryone tovisittheir website and browse their catalogueofceramic marvels.

You can choose from a variety of dogs, cats, animals, frogs, aquatic life or flowers to grace your 3D mug. The mugs sell for $39.95 and can be purchased at

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