The Clean Response Rake & Swivel Bin by Petmate

Pet Product Review – The Clean Response Rake & Swivel Bin by Petmate


Petmate Clean Response

If we don’t scoop regularly our backyard becomes a mine field of dog pies (courtesy of our Great Dane and Labrador). We were happy to test The Clean Response Rake & Swivel Bin. Any product that can make doody duty less offensive is welcome here!

We immediately liked the long rake and bin handles, they keep plenty of space between us and the poo, but our favorite feature is the extra large swivel bin! No matter how you hold the handle, the bin will stay upright so you don’t have to perform a balancing act for fear of dumping your cargo at the wrong time.
You have the option of either loading the swivel bin with your own grocery bag, or not loading it at all and hosing it off when you’re done. We chose to line it with a grocery bag, seems much less messy.
When you’re ready to store the rake and bin, you can snap the handles together and hang them on a wall. Hands down, The Clean Response Rake & Swivel Bin is the best rake and bin set we’ve come across.
One enhancement we’d love to see is a gadget added to one of the handles where a few biodegradable bags could be stored. Sometimes it takes more than one bag to get the job done!
Petmate recycles!
You can purchase The Clean Response Rake & Swivel Bin for $23.99 at

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