Personalized Double Braid NamePlate Collar by DogIDS

Pet Product Review: Personalized Double Braid NamePlate Collar by DogIDS


I’m not sure about you, but I tend to have a hard time finding quiet yet durable nametags for my dogs. Either they are flimsy and break easily or are loud and jingle with my dogs every move. This can make getting a good night sleep a challenge. I even went through a phase where I would take my dogs collar off every night, but then I found myself forgetting to put it back on in the morning so I decided that was a bad idea.

I recently discovered the Personalized Double Braid NamePlate Collar by DogIDS. It’s a collar with the nametag built right in! Not only that, but it is a durable collar with a buckle style closure. The braided material makes it so you can size the collar exactly to your dogs neck size, no more having to use the pre-made holes which at times can either make the collar to loose or to tight. Finally, a name tag that doesn’t jingle at night and won’t fall off and get lost in the backyard or at the dog park. I LOVE IT!


The Personalized Double Braid NamePlate Collar by DogIDS gets a 5 paw rating from our review panel.

5 Paw Rating

The Personalized Double Braid NamePlate Collar costs $24 and can be purchased off the DogIDS website.

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