Buckarooz! Natural Antler Chews for Dogs

Pet Product Reviews – Buckarooz! Natural Antler Chews for dogs

Free Range Buckarooz! Deer Antlers

Shakespeare & his Buckarooz! deer antler
Recycled gifts are the way to go these days and what could be better than the gift of a pre-owned antler? Seriously, Buckarooz! Free Range Deer Antlers contain one ingredient – marrow filled deer antler; are rich with calcium and minerals;are free of odor, hormones, antibiotics, animal by-products, steroids and preservatives and; last a long, long time. Deer naturally shed their antlers yearly and the little green elves at Buckarooz! must stealthy prowl the forests in search of these delicacies so that we can share them with our best buddies!
Shake & Buckarooz! treat
Shakespeare loves his antler. He was so protective of the darn thing, that each time I tried to snap a photo, he grabbed it and ran. Now, the Secret Shopper is a benevolent soul who is not in the habit of stealing her dog’s treats so, I can only conclude that he finds something irresistable about his Buckarooz! Antler. Even with his mighty Dane-jaws working overtime, it looks as though this chew treat has some real staying power!
Secret Shopper Seal of Approval
Buckarooz! Antlers earn the Secret Shopper’s Stocking Stuffer Seal of Approval

Free Range Buckarooz! Deer Antlers can be purchased individually or in packages. They range in price from $3.29 – $22.69 (for individual antlers) and can be purchased online at DigItPet.com.

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