Muttens – A better way to walk your dog!

Pet Product Reviews – Muttens – A better way to walk you dog.



Such a unique product, I just had to ask the Muttens folks to send me a pair to review. These fleece gloves have a flap at the top that tucks and untucks allowing you to poke your fingers out: To tie the poop-scoop bag, dial a number on your cell, tie your shoes, or whatever you need to do that requires glove-free fingers.

Let’s see how they fared on the Paw Scale:

(5 paws = How did I ever live without this?)

5paws_thumb The panel rates Muttens a 5 paw pet product!


Shakespeare’s mom, Jessica, found the Muttens lying on the kitchen table one day while I was out. Upon my return she held one up and exclaimed, “These are GENIUS! I’ve always wished someone would invent something that would allow me to hold the leash with my bare hand but keep my hand warm at the same time!”

Kaya_lindsey_thumbKaya’s mom, Lindsey, says, “I LOVE these – I will be using these for the rest of the winter….and every other winter 🙂 It was so nice to be able to poke my fingers out when I needed to use them (like for picking up poop), and then to hide them from the cold again when I was done. They are very warm, perfect for freezing temperatures. I am going to store these next to Kaya’s leash and use them everytime I go out.”
There you have it folks…a must-have for those cold weather months! You can order a pair on for 19.95.
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