Urine Eliminator™ By Rug Doctor

Pet Product Review: Urine Eliminator™ By Rug Doctor

Everyone knows I am a strong advocate of keeping cleaning supplies especially those that are made specifically for pet in the house.


Well inmy house cleaning products are very important because I have a puppy. I frequently have little pee pee stain send small accident. So when I saw at my local stop and shop store that Rug Doctor Urine Elimintor was on sale for only $9.99, which was a 50% savings. I thought this must be a good product if they initially cost $20. So, I bought a bottle.

Well, let’s just say I’ve had better experience with other cleaning products and been more satisfied. First, the To the spray nozzle was loose and I lost about one third of the product in the shopping bag. Thatmade mefurious. Then after my puppy happens have an unusually large pee accident. And I use the product then. But had to use the product all over again it did not clean to my satisfaction and dried residue remained.

But it was more than that, I think the product is way too expensive. Even on sale; and especially when you have to use it twice. ALso, they have a big warning lable to keep away form kids because of the nonionic detergents. A warning for Kids, but not pets?

Anyway if you’re interested in buing this product you may do so for $19,98+ $8 shipping at: http://buy.rugdoctor.com/cleaning-products

If you’ve got a pet product you think will pass the secret shopper test,send an email to SecretShopperBlog@gmail.com

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