Wellness Super5Mix Just for Puppy

Pet Product Review – Wellness Super5Mix Just for Puppy


Well this week my puppy Charlie and I have been traveling. As you know when you travel, things happen like you run out of your standard brand dog food. Lucky for me, I had with me a big box of toys and travel treats sent to me by the people at Wellness. In that box was a bag of Wellness Super5Mix Just for Puppy kibble. Now normally I don’t like to switch around dog food from brand to brand, but I trust Wellness and have always liked there products for my older dogs. Charlie my 16 week old Sheltie didn’t mind a change at all. In fact, Charlie loved the Wellness Super5Mix Just for Puppy. He ate all his bowls with great enthusiam

Super5Mix is great for puppies. It is especially designed for smaller puppy mouths with a smaller sized kibble. The food is packed with natural DHA and supports bone and muscular develoment. In fact Wellness Super5Mix Just for Puppy is a natural recipe that uses the optimal balance of nutrient rich whole-foods and no grains to support your puppy’s growth in its foundation year.

If you have a puppy and looking for the best nutrition especially designed for puppies, do consider Wellness Super5Mix Just for Puppies. You can buy a 16lbs bag from Petco for only $32. Go here to order yours:


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