Pet Product Review –

What is the least expensive pet insurance you can get? Well a simple ID tag is a affordable and effective. My recommendation for today,


Each year, nearly 8 million pets are lost and delivered to animal shelters around the country. The sad thing is 75% of these pets are never recovered and end up euthanized. Since more and more people are traveling with their pets during the holidays, or hiking in warm weather, we should all be thinking of better ways to keep our best friends safe. are stylish little tags that have on the back an identification serial number.

If a pet is ever lost, an instant alert is sent to local shelters and rescues within 50 miles of the pet’s last known location. IDTAG.comwill also notify customers which shelters have been contacted. This way they can contact them directly. The service will even call up to 6 emergency contacts numbers to alert you when your pet is found. has fashionable designs for both dogs and cats. You should go to to order yours. It’s an easy 1-call or online sign up. You can buy your tag there and enroll for multiple levels of subscription. The subscription plan for is free for the first six months with the purchase of IDTAGs ($7.99 – $9.99) plus a $1.99 activation fee.

If you’ve got a pet product you think will pass the Secret Shopper Test, send an email to

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