Grannicks Bitter Apple Original Spray for Dogs

Pet Product Review – Grannicks Bitter Apple Original Spray for Dogs

If you have a puppy, or a dog, I’m sure at least once you’ve bought Grannicks Bitter Apple Original Spray for Dog.


Invented by a pharmacist in 1960, Grannicks Bitter Apple Original Spray for Dogs is a non-toxic, safe and effective chew deterrent. Has a bitter taste to discourage pets from licking, gnawing and chewing on surfaces where applied. Stops pets from biting and chewing fur, wounds and bandages. Bitter Apple for dogs is available in a variety of sizes: 8 oz. Spray, 16 oz. Spray, 16 oz. Refill and 32 oz. Refill.

But does it work? Well… my puppy Charlie is going through teething. And although the product was specifically made for hot spots, fur biting and hair chewing, I hoped it would help prevent him from nibbling at the corner of my oriental rug. The rug after 3 days of spraying is still being nibbled on.

The product may work for skin and hair conditions, but I wouldn’t recommend it as a deterent to surface chewing.

You can find Grannicks Bitter Apple at most every pet store, or get an 8 FL OZ bottle for only $5.89 from Greg-Robert Pet Supply:

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