Product Review: BioPet Vet Lab Canine DNA Test

Pet Product Review – BioPet Vet Lab Canine Test

Did you adopt your dog and ever wonder what breed composition they are? Or what about having bought a puppy from a breeder and want to validate the breed for future generations? Well, there are DNA test that help. There are many reason why you may want to know your dog’s breed compositon. One may be to know what health conditions your dog may be pre-disposed to. Or, if you’re like our friend Katie, you simply want to know what makes your very best buddy so incredibly special.

Well below is a picture of Katies dog Sadie:


Level 1: Over 75% of the DNA found in your dog is from the breed listed – Nothing Found

Level 2: Each breed listed represents between 37-74% of your dog’s DNA – Siberian Husky (I can see it from her size and tail)

Level 3: Each breed listed represents between 20-36% of your dog’s DNA – Chow Chow (maybe her tail?)

Level 4: Each breed listed represents between 10-19% of your dog’s DNA – Poodle (don’t see it at all)

Level 4: Each breed listed represents between 10-19% of your dog’s DNA – Boxer (she loves to box and jump, so we always thought that & she must have got the smooth coat too)

Level 5: Each breed listed represents less than 10% of your dog’s DNA – Keeshond (again, don’t really see a resemblance, but she likes to bark!)

According to the site it says the below…

How accurate is this test?

It is understood that no analytical test is 100% accurate. If a breed is present in your dog that is in our database of 63 validated breeds, it should be detected. However, if DNA is found from a breed that is not in our data base, it will be assigned to the most closely related breed, or to breeds that are further back in your dog’s ancestry.

I recommend you go to the BioPet Vet Lab Canine DNA Test website for more information: and to purchase for $59 with free shipping go to

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