Product Review: Wysong Beef Stew and Gravy

Pet Product Review – Wysong Beef Stew in Gravy, 5.5 oz can

If you have multiple pets, say a cat and a dog, you’re always looking to economize, especially if you’re like me and mix delicious can food in with your pet’s kibble. With that a brand I saw called Wynsong caught my attention.

wysong beef stew

Beef Stew in Gravy™ contain chunks of real meat combined with diced vegetables in thick, natural gravy that both cats and dogs find highly palatable. Use in conjunction with other Wysong Diets and fresh foods.

Champ sure did enjoy the Wyson Beef Stew in Gravy for the entire week over while visiting his grandma in New Jersey. How can a pup not love canned food that has 95% real premium human grade beef? Best of all, I felt great serving a Wynsong product. If you go to your can learn all about the nutrition and manufacter of Wynsong products and the beyond careful attention they give to nutrition. In fact, they say their education is their best product.

Do go to the website and learn more about Wysong’s many holistic brands for both your cat and your dog.

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