Product Revies: Flush Puppies

Pet Product Review – Flush Puppies

flush puppies

Flush Puppies? What are they? New shoes? A stuffed doll? No! They are a genius new green product that I came across. Started by 3 very smart University of Florida students, who all have concern, not just for the environment, but keeping their neighborhood and play areas clean and bacteria free, the Flush Puppies team created bags to pick up your dog’s poop. Sounds like your average sandwich bag, except Flush Puppies bags are completely water-soluble, so dog droppings can be flushed down the toilet. While leaving dog poop on the ground, or even throwing it in the trash, can allow its harmful bacteria and parasites to seep into the groundwater, Flush Puppies gives dog-owners a cleaner option. Dog poop can now be processed the same way as human waste – by utilizing the toilet and sewage system,

not the landfill

Think about it, why should the poor sanitation guys have to deal with our dog’s smelly poop all day? For their consideration here is a way to improve their lives. Also, what if you’re walking in a park or a more romote street, clean up after your dog, and bring it home. Plus, its great for accidents in the house or your apartment building. Every house should have a box of Flush Puppies.

Flush Puppies is a biodegradable, water soluble, uniquely flushable pet waste disposal bag. Designed for responsible dog owners and environmentally conscious consumers, Flush Puppies means a cleaner neighborhood and a leaner landfill is just one flush away. For more information, or to purchase the bags, head to

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